Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rachel Maddow is my new hero! new girlfriend. And by girlfriend I mean, only in my dreams. She's the epitome of the type of woman/partner for whom I would sell my soul. Ok, maybe I wouldn't go that far. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't sell my soul for anyone. Hmm. I may have already done that. Not sure. Don't remember. Whatever.

She is INCREDIBLY intelligent (she was a Rhodes Scholar and went to Oxford for her doctorate in Political Science), extremely witty, confident and full of lively energy. And those are just a few brief descriptors. Read more about her here: or go to: and click your way through her professional life.

Anyway, she now has her own show as a political analyst (which just started in September) on MSNBC. I have never in my life been so entertained by politics. Of course, there is a TON of material created daily in our current environment. But still...she does a phenomenal job.

I look forward to her show each night. I just wanted to share the fun that I have found. I hope you enjoy her too.

Oh, and below is a link to her appearance on Jay Leno. Loved it.

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