Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chaos and compartmentalization...

I was watching The Biggest Loser the other night (as I sat there eating dinner) and thought about what Jillian was telling Tara about the mess in her room when the last 4 folks went home for 30 days before the finale week started. It was something about it being a manifestation of the chaos Tara was feeling internally.

I've seen people like that. Stuff just everywhere, nothing in its' place, pathways only big enough for walking, albeit carefully. And I do believe it's a total reflection of what is actually spinning around in their noodles.

I'm a tad different with that. I like to have order...mostly. Everything that can have a place, usually does. However, I have a stack of boxes that 1) I haven't made time to go through and keep adding to them every time I move, and 2) don't have a place to put those things that I don't want to part with once the purging actually begins.

As I was washing the grime off from a day of doing nothing, I realized what MY boxes represent. Each box, whether random and old paperwork or memorabilia and pictures, etc., reflect those compartments in my brain of things that I'm not quite ready to let go of, but also don't really have a place in my daily life, either.

I'm a firm believer that if you can't name it, you can't fix it. So, hopefully, I've finally named that issue, and can now start handling it.

Chaos is not my friend.

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