Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dem Bones, dem bones...

The leg bone's connected to the....knee bone. The knee bone's connected to the...thigh bone.

That little ancient diddy twirled through my head when I was thinking about writing my newest blog entry. It's been several months since I've posted. Been a tad busy lining up all the details of my new life.

I'm moving to Austin - finally! I've always wanted to live there, and now I get to. Well, "get to"...I planned it that way. I decided that it was time I changed the status quo and did something that I wanted to do and not because I should do it or was obligated to do it.

I'm finally going back to get a master's degree. I always sort of thought I would, but didn't want to continue in the business field and go for the almighty MBA.

I've found what I do want to study - Oriental medicine. I'm starting school in January to get a MAcOM. That's a Master's of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Color me crazy. It's a long 4 year program and not really going to be a walk in the park, never mind I'm old and I only have like 3 brain cells left to rub together. Regardless, I'm all over it and can't wait to start!

We'll talk again in January...and see just how great I think it is by then.

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