Friday, October 17, 2008

Being PC

Why is it the American public thinks it's so bad to speak their minds?

I'm just so curious about that.

Is being politically correct that important? Why do we care? Is it that uncomfortable to let others know where you stand personally on sensitive topics? Is it about not wanting other people to see you in a negative light because you have a certain point of view?

I sent out an email yesterday venting about some of the crap that has been flying in the current presidential election campaigns. I was met (not that I expected alot of reaction because people are afraid to be politically INcorrect) with deafening silence and one brave sole that respectfully which point we continued to discuss differing points of view.

As one of my long-time friends said, it makes her butt clench to talk about politics (and abortion, religion, homosexuality) with friends and family. I used to be the same was a learned behavior. But WHY are we like that?

I think being PC has led to more problems than it has helped. Originally it started in order to minimize offense to certain identity groups. But it has morphed way beyond that behavior. Now it has just swung to the other end of the spectrum.

It's talking about issues that gets them understood and sometimes even resolved. Not ignoring them, sweeping them under the carpet or pretending like they're NON-issues.

I think our parents' generation utilized that method of dealing because it was more important to look a certain way -- normal, balanced, maintstream, etc. And, it seemed easier. But in fact, discussion, facing head-on, DEALING with problems and issues is the only way to get THROUGH and PAST them.

I think we, as a people, have maxed out the era of being PC. It's time to stand up and talk and maybe, just maybe, we might evolve toward a more productive and peaceful nation.

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